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rooftop solar projects in Africa

Native Suns LLC in Africa

About us 


Main Reasons Why Choose Us

Native Suns LLC in Africa » Utility Scale Solar Projects in Africa, Energy Projects

Native Suns LLC in Africa is a provider of PV solar power and rooftop solar projects in Africa. We are a global company specializing in designing, installing, and maintaining photovoltaic (PV) solar systems installed on residential, commercial, and governmental structures.


Energy Contractor

NATIVE SUNS, LLC. is a new formed renewable energy contractor. Our founding members have 6 decades of project experience. Known for our highly skilled project execution and leading expertise in solar EPC projects.

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Primarily Serving

We are an American privately-held company in the sustainable energy construction industry primarily serving the continent of Africa.


Renewable Projects

NATIVE SUNS, LLC. can support your renewable projects from power generation to distribution using American technology expertise providing cost-effective engineering, management, and project service solutions.


Demand Response

NATIVE SUNS, LLC. is reimaging what it means to be Renewable energy contractor!

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Cost Savings

NATIVE SUNS, LLC. boost global renewable energy development around the world for the benefit of your cost savings.


Carbon Emission Reduction

With carbon emission reduction, climate resilience and the demand for clean energy across the globe high on the agenda, we continue to be at the forefront of evolving technology to support the growth in renewable energy in more continents.


Our Company Sees a World without Waste

Our purpose is to provide renewable solar solutions that fuel development in Africa and globally while protecting the environment for future generations to come. We commit to providing competitive, innovative, and reliable solar EPC services that satisfy the unique needs of our clients, strengthen local communities, and create a better future for all.







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This helps ensure quality, schedule and that we’re all working toward same goal

"Our mission is to accelerate the world's transition to sustainable energy by providing turnkey solar solutions and elevate the African continent by empowering local communities through sustainable energy solutions."
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Carbon Emission Reduction

With carbon emission reduction, climate resilience and the demand for clean energy across the globe high on the agenda, we continue to be at the forefront of evolving technology to support the growth in renewable energy in more continents.

rooftop solar projects in Africa
Dynamic Ecology

Know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequees that are extremely painful. Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of it is pain some great pleasure.

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